30 Indoor Group Games for Kids
Are you in search of fun-filled activities to keep the little ones entertained indoors?
Look no further! In this blog post, we’ve curated a list of 30 exciting indoor group games specially designed to keep kids engaged, active, and full of smiles. Whether it’s a rainy day, a playdate, or a family gathering, these games are perfect for fostering creativity, teamwork, and laughter.
Get ready to transform any indoor space into a playground of endless fun with these delightful games that will leave children eagerly asking for more!
Musical Chairs

Arrange chairs in a circle, one less than the number of players. Play music and have the kids walk around the chairs. When the music stops, everyone must find a seat. The player left standing is out, and one chair is removed. Repeat until only one player remains.

Divide kids into teams. Each team takes turns acting out a word or phrase without speaking while their teammates guess what it is. Use a timer to keep turns short and lively. Indoor
Obstacle Course
Create an obstacle course using pillows, cushions, chairs, and other safe household items. Kids can crawl under tables, jump over obstacles, and weave around furniture. Time each participant to add a competitive element.
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Simon Says
One player takes the role of “Simon” and gives commands starting with “Simon says…” (e.g., “Simon says touch your toes”). The other players must only follow commands preceded by “Simon says.” Anyone who follows a command without “Simon says” is out.
Balloon Keep Up
Inflate several balloons and have kids keep them off the ground using only their hands. Increase the challenge by adding more balloons or introducing rules like using only one hand.
Indoor Scavenger Hunt
Create a list of items for kids to find around the house. It could be something soft, something round, something blue, etc. Set a timer and let the kids search. The first to find all items wins!
Pass the Parcel
Wrap a small gift or treat in multiple layers of wrapping paper. Sit the kids in a circle and play music while they pass the parcel around. When the music stops, the child holding the parcel removes one layer. Repeat until the prize is revealed.
Storytime Circle
Sit the kids in a circle and start a story with a few sentences. Each child takes turns adding to the story, building upon what the previous person said. Let their imaginations run wild as the story unfolds!
Dance Freeze
Play upbeat music and have the kids dance around the room. When the music stops, they must freeze in whatever position they’re in. Those who move are out. Restart the music and continue until only one dancer remains.
Pictionary Relay
Divide kids into teams. Each team has a set of words to draw on a whiteboard or piece of paper. One member from each team must run to the board, pick a word, and draw it for their team to guess. Once guessed correctly, the next team member runs up. The first team to finish all their words wins. These indoor group games promise hours of laughter, bonding, and entertainment for kids of all ages!
Beanbag Toss
Set up targets using buckets, bowls, or even drawn circles on the floor with different point values. Kids take turns tossing beanbags and earn points based on where they land.
DIY Bowling
Create a bowling alley in your hallway using empty plastic bottles as pins and a soft ball as the bowling ball. Let the kids take turns rolling the ball and knocking down the pins. Indoor Picnic: Lay out a picnic blanket in the living room and prepare some snacks. Let the kids sit down for a cozy indoor picnic while they chat, eat, and enjoy each other’s company.
Paper Airplane Contest
Have kids fold and decorate their own paper airplanes. Then, see whose airplane can fly the farthest or perform the coolest tricks when thrown. Shadow Puppet Theater: Dim the lights and set up a flashlight or lamp to create a makeshift stage. Kids can use their hands to create various shapes and characters for a shadow puppet show.
DIY Mini Golf
Transform your home into a mini-golf course using household items like cardboard tubes, ramps made from books, and cups as holes. Kids can design and play through their own creative courses.
Name That Tune
Play snippets of popular songs or TV show theme songs and have the kids guess the title or artist. You can make it a team-based competition for added excitement.
Indoor Bowling
Use soft, lightweight balls (such as foam balls or rolled-up socks) to set up an indoor bowling alley. Arrange empty plastic bottles or cups as pins and let the kids take turns knocking them down.
Animal Charades
Instead of acting out words or phrases, have kids take turns acting out different animals while the rest of the group guesses what they are. Encourage creativity and silliness!
Paper Plate Ring Toss
Place paper plates with different point values on the floor and have kids toss rings (made from rolled-up paper or plastic bracelets) to try and land them on the plates. With these additional indoor group games, you’re sure to keep the kids entertained and engaged, no matter the weather or occasion!
Memory Tray Game
Place several small items on a tray and cover it with a cloth. Show the tray to the kids for a brief period, then cover it again. Kids must write down or recall as many items as they can remember.
DIY Puppet Show
Help kids create their own puppets using socks, paper bags, or craft materials. Encourage them to put on a puppet show with a storyline they invent themselves.
Cup Tower Challenge
Provide a stack of plastic cups and challenge kids to build the tallest tower possible within a time limit. They can only use one hand at a time, adding an element of teamwork and coordination.
Word Chain
Sit in a circle and start with a word (e.g., “dog”). The next person has to say a word starting with the last letter of the previous word (e.g., “goat”). Keep the chain going, and if someone hesitates or repeats a word, they’re out.
Sock Basketball
Crumple up old socks to create makeshift basketballs. Set up a laundry basket or hoop and have kids take turns shooting hoops from different distances.
Duck, Duck, Goose
A classic game where kids sit in a circle, and one child walks around tapping others on the head, saying “duck” each time. When they tap someone and say “goose,” that person must chase them around the circle. If caught, they become the new tapper.
Craft Corner
Set up a designated craft area with supplies like colored paper, glue, markers, and stickers. Let kids unleash their creativity by making artwork, cards, or DIY projects together.
DIY Bingo
Create bingo cards with different themes or pictures relevant to the kids’ interests. Use small objects like coins or buttons as markers and call out the items for them to mark off.
Simon Memory Game
One player starts by saying, “Simon says, ‘I went to the store and bought…'” followed by an item. The next player repeats the phrase and adds another item. Keep going until someone forgets an item or the order gets mixed up.
Hide and Seek
A timeless favorite! Designate a play area and choose one child to be the seeker while the others hide. The seeker counts while the others find hiding spots, then seeks them out. Rotate roles for multiple rounds of fun. These indoor group games offer a wide variety of options to suit different interests and ages, ensuring endless entertainment for kids indoors!